{{vm.headerLinks.defaultWarehouse.linkText}}Pending Approvals:
{{vm.headerLinks.pendingApproval.linkText.split(" ")[0]}}Open Orders:
{{vm.headerLinks.openOrders.linkText.split(" ")[0]}}Product Lists:
{{vm.headerLinks.productList.linkText.split(" ")[0]}}
Straight WW Panel All panels will be supplied as described below. - All panel material will be 2.5? OD x .180? MW SA213 T11 - .180? MW SA213 T11 is being offered in lieu of .165? MW SA209 T1a - There will be (1) panel per the following description - 1 panel with 6 tubes - Panels will be 2?- 6? long each - All panels will be on 3? centers - All panels will have membrane held back 3? from the tube ends - Half width membrane on outboard tubes - Tube ends will be beveled to 37 � degrees (knife edge) - No hydrostatic testing is included - Panels will be painted and capped prior to shipping - No hardware included - No bends or openings in panels